This Animation is about a robot named Ronnie works as a package wrapper and is very prideful of what he does. So much so that he even when he is having trouble to keep up with the orders, he still refuses help from Simon, a secondary robot character that has a same job as Ronnie and notices Ronnie’s struggle. When Simon tries to help again, but Ronnie pushes him away and almost gets confrontational but both stop when they here the alarm go off and see that they only have about 5 mins to complete their task. So Simon nudges his way in Ronnie’s station and starts helping Ronnie and Ronnie, though startled by this, quick focus at the task hand.
The two robots manage to get the work done in time. Ronnie in the end realized that it is ok to ask or receive help from others and as Simon turns to go back to his station Ronnie grabs his shoulder and offer him a handshake to thank him.
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